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The Secret To Success

Lead From Intention

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

The secret isn’t what you think.

The most common comments we hear from our clients when we first start working together are surprisingly common no matter their industry, title or background. While we are women with diverse experiences and backgrounds, so many of us have found ourselves struggling with a common problem.

“I’m making progress but not fast enough”

“I enjoy where I’m at but I know I can give more”

“I want to create more space in my day and still achieve more”

“I’m ready for what’s next, I just need help figuring out what that is and how to get there”

So what is the secret to leveling up your leadership?

Taking a pause.

So many of us have this desire to achieve bigger and bolder goals, to make an impact and experience even more. These dreams and desires are amazing and important, and we believe, are how we will collectively change the playbook in corporate.

Reality. Your day-to-day looks more like the same problems on repeat, meeting after meeting and going through the motions. You are going through the motions, with the belief that you are moving forward, but never really pausing to consider what actions you should be taking.

The most successful people, pause, evaluate their thoughts and actions and ask themselves these questions:

  • Is this moving me toward my goal?

  • Is there a different way I can accomplish this?

  • What barriers am I facing?

  • What is one thing I can do today with what I have to make progress?

Pausing isn’t something many of us take the time to do, we think we are too busy. When we pause we find progress sooner, faster and with more ease.

This is just one of the concepts we teach in The Mindset Equation.

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